MAY   June 2001   JUL
Sunday, June 10, 2001
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The first comic

Today's comic
Today's strip will be late. Oh yes. Very late. "Why?" you might ask. Yes. Indeed, that IS good question. And one that can be adequtely answered here. What can I say. We were watching Colorado trounce New Jersey in the final game, and mayhap the libations were flowing more than maybe they ought to have. That and our favorite bartender is leaving the pub for a managing job that involves saner hours and few drunks. So a few toasts were hoisted as well. And Jamie and Mark moved into their new digs today. So a FEW MORE toasts were toasted, which resulted in a toasted cartoonist.

Ergo, you will have a nifty Sunday Comic, but just a bit late. I should have it up in the afternoon. Cheers to everybody, especially Colorado on their win, and I'll see you all tomorrow!

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