Awards Silly Cone V has won!
(Click on image to view awarder's site! DO EEEEET!)
WOO HOO! I got another award! This one comes from the very talented
who also made most of the banner link images on the
Extras page. It says I'm a goody! Not a baddy! Yay! In my opnion, Jenova4
ought to be lauded with twinkies and marshmallow peeps for her untiring work
to make the world a better place! WOOO! She has also made some damn cool banners
for my Four ToonTeller buddies. Her
Eat The Roses banner is particularly
sweet. Thanks again, Jenova4, for the award! It made my day! Or week, even! WOO!
Damonk's gives out this award ROUGHLY once a month to whichever comic has made
him spit the most beer on his monitor. He's got a nifty Keith's sensing touch
monitor that tallies the amount of beer spewed and corrolates it to what web cartoon
he's currently reading. This very sophisticated and scientific cartoon goodness
measuring system obviously has a few bugs still in it as in March of 2002 it short
circuted and my name showed up on the top of the list. Go figure. Either that or
Damonk sneezed while pounding Keith's and my comic HAPPENED to be on his browser at
the time. Either way, it's all good. Except for the poor damn Keith's and Damonk
slobber drenched monitor who kinda gets a raw deal. (Which is one of two Keith's and Damonk slobber drenched
items mentioned on this page.)
Ah, Esyla. Purveyor of all that is Angry.
I only read one stick figure comic in
the whole damn world, and that stick figure comic is Angry People. Esyla gave this
award to me because she wants to get in my pants. I don't blame her. I
wouldn't own them if I didn't want to occasionally get in them myself! Tragically,
she has been unsuccessful in her nighttime ninja raids of my closet. Her bold pants
stealing endeavors have so far netted her an old t-shirt, a pair of sox, and that
one button up shirt I have no idea where it came from. She has vowed to sneak into
my hotel room and get into my pants this summer at
Comicon while I am out roaming the convention so she has time to get into ALL my pants.
Except for the pair that I'll be wearing at the time, of course.
Meaghan Quinn, the second Keith's and Damonk slobber drenched item for me to discuss
here, has a WILDLY popular and sexy strip
Eat Weird Veggies or some such thing. Megs has BEAUTIFUL artwork and a long and
complicated storyline. You MUST read the archives to grasp this strip. However, this
is about the award and not about how cool Megs is. She gave me this award because I
was willing to shake my love thang in photos with her during
Comicon in San Diego. We could have done a Doublebutt comericial as a spoof of
a popular chewing gum ad, I tell ya! Shake it! Shakkalakkaboom!
The coveted Spons Award was given to me by the
psiren of webcomicdom, Glych. She gave this to me in August of 2001. Which is awfully
close to the time she got a picture of me licking the Flash's bum at
Comicon that year. I wonder if the two events are related? I've done a crossover with
her and a few other comics as well as having drooled at her amazing
comic book art. Glych is fan-fubin-tastic! And I was REALLY happy to get this award
from her!
Damonk gave me this award a long time ago.
Why? Because when he was in an absolute panic about how he was gonna finish his
classes, he decided to take a month's hiatus. I told him "Hey, don't be silly! I'll
do your strip for you for the whole month!" And I did. Actually, what I did was
recruit a bunch of other people to do guest strips for Damonk so I could reap the
rewards and do none of the work. This was good training for me if I ever decide
to build an empire on the blood and sweat of the exploited working class. Or if I
enter politics.
Lookie! The first award I ever recieved! I nearly wept with happiness. Then I
realized I was hungry and I went and got some corn chips. Man, were those good corn
chips. I have no idea why I was the cartoonist of the month over at Cartoon Community but they gave me the
award, they did. And they can't take it back now! IT'S MINE I SAY! MY PRECIOUS!
And at the bottom of the list, in the position of most infamy..... the Boxjam Award. Sort of. When asked
if I might also get the boxjam award for my excellence in webcomicing, Boxjam
said some very rude things. But as he promised to give "an" award to anybody
who asked him for one, he felt obligated to give me one as well. Little did I
know he would vent his displeasure at my strip in such a vociferous manner.
But as it's an award, and this is my award page, I guess I have to put it up here.
Oh Boxjam, what can I do to appease your mighty anger? How can I wash away the sins
of shoddy comicing and achive grace within your sight?
Silly Cone V is hosted on Keenspace,
a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.
All comics and artwork on this site Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002 Brandon
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