A Place for all my Fans' Stuff. (Both of em!)
Hola! And welcome to the fan page! This is where I will put all
stuff happy and good!
Send me fan art, guest-strips, hate-mail, small gerbils (scanned,
preferably), and other stuff and I will post it here!
You wants da art? You GOTS da art!
What are people saying about Silly Cone V |
"This whole comic strip thing is so cool.......Dude, you are my hero!"
---John "Double Barrel" Peters
"Silly Cone V might not have any pygmy accountant Mel
Tormé fanatics from Picadilly, but who needs those
when you have such a funny strip already? Some nice
work here -- nice work, I say!"
---Damonk, creator of Framed! |
I got really drunk last night....
and all the comics were much more funny.
---Veraneta |
Brandon, I'm gonna go get a stepladder, so you can jump up my butt.
---Shay Caron, creator of Protection! |
Sweet strip. Meandering storylines
---Annonymous (pulled from a page off my referrer stats) |
People who love me!
(or who have linked to me!)
Shanti-Inc, the website of my good friend and the
Founder, President, Secretary, Treasurar, Demon-on-Staff, Majordomo, Vixen-without-Portfolio,
and only member of the Silly Cone V Fan Club! Give her a hand folks!
Silly Cone V is hosted on Keenspace,
a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.
All comics and artwork on this site Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002 Brandon
Sonderegger |