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A Place for all my Fans' Stuff. (Both of em!)
Hola! And welcome to the fan page! This is where I will put all stuff happy and good! Send me fan art, guest-strips, hate-mail, small gerbils (scanned, preferably), and other stuff and I will post it here!

You wants da art? You GOTS da art!

Stuff Sent To Me

Dave of Everyday Stuff

Sent by Neta!

John Troutman

Icky, by Sporkman

Jes, of Yin and Yang

Framed!!! by Damonk

Stuff I did!


No Stereotypes!


Untitled Again


Everyday Stuff

Eat The Roses

Eternal Caffine Junky

It Hurts to be this stupid

It Hurts to be this stupid

Blade of Destiny



Guest Strips I did!

Blotto Street

Rogues of Clwyd-Rhan

Untitled Again

Droll Street
What are people saying about Silly Cone V
"This whole comic strip thing is so cool.......Dude, you are my hero!"
                         ---John "Double Barrel" Peters
"Silly Cone V might not have any pygmy accountant Mel Tormé fanatics from Picadilly, but who needs those when you have such a funny strip already? Some nice work here -- nice work, I say!"
                         ---Damonk, creator of Framed!
I got really drunk last night.... and all the comics were much more funny.
Brandon, I'm gonna go get a stepladder, so you can jump up my butt.
                         ---Shay Caron, creator of Protection!
Sweet strip. Meandering storylines
                         ---Annonymous (pulled from a page off my referrer stats)

People who love me! (or who have linked to me!)
Shanti-Inc, the website of my good friend and the Founder, President, Secretary, Treasurar, Demon-on-Staff, Majordomo, Vixen-without-Portfolio, and only member of the Silly Cone V Fan Club! Give her a hand folks!
Silly Cone V is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.
All comics and artwork on this site Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002 Brandon Sonderegger